
Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, yet powerful method of treatment that uses a light touch to examine membranes and movement of fluids in and around the central nervous system. Releasing the body through Craniosacral Therapy can be an efefctive way of dealing with physical, psychological and emotional issues.

Energy Alignment

“Fogo Sagrado” or Sacred Fire Energetic Alignment Therapy is based on the Shamanic beliefs of the Brazilian Indigenous tribes and can enable you to access some of the hidden psychological and emotional states that are carried within your subconscious that can also be connected to your ancestors, beyond your immediate family.


Rather than a means of “predicting the future” I like to use this process as a means of self discovery for my clients and a way of introducing fresh perspectives. Astrology can also be a wonderful means of finding guidance and a way of approaching the year ahead or some other more specific and significant period of time. 

Tarot Therapy

Since the 15th century, people have turned to the tarot deck for guidance on what their future holds. Getting your tarot cards read can help you to answer questions big and small, so your path is equipped with insight and intuition. Simply put, it’s an easy and exciting practice of self-help… and self love.

Holistic programme

This programme is an open door for you to decide how you can carry on in your self development journey and also can be  a complementary to any treatment that you are already doing. It combines therapeutic tools and archetypes readings that I have accumulated over the years. In the sessions we will explore the mind, emotions and both physical and energy fields. I believe that the combination of all these areas makes us who we are.