
Astrology is an ancient knowledge that originated more than 2 thousand years ago from the ancient Babylonians and which describes events and personal characteristics according to the position of the planets, the Sun and the Moon. The reading of the chart is based on natal Astrology (based on time, date and year of birth) and their significance. The reading is focused on psychological aspects, taking into account your family and cultural background. 

Most people live according to their family and also social rules which can repress their self-expression. In this way people can become dissatisfied, sometimes anxious and unable to manage their identities in life. 

Rather than a means of “predicting the future” I like to use this process as a means of self discovery for my clients and a way of introducing fresh perspectives. The aim is to help you to bring out unknown aspects of your personality and also to support you in reprogramming certain negative beliefs and attitudes. In this way, I hope to enable you to discover a more natural way of “being yourself”.

Astrology also can be a wonderful means of finding guidance and a way of approaching the year ahead or some other more specific and significant period of time. 

Three different options: 

Natal Chart - The GPS of  your life journey 

 A reading of your whole natal chart describing possible influences of planets on your feelings, behaviour, preferences, thoughts. 

Solar Return - It is a prediction of the year

On every birthday the sun passes at the same degree as the sun of the natal chart, which means that describing the places of the planet and position of the moon and sun in different houses can predict which themes will be highlighted in that year. 

Transits - Navigating in a current situation

A method of interpreting the ongoing movement of the planets in the sky as they transit your natal chart. The transit reflects the collective reality but also a particular moment in the life of the client. It is a method that helps with decision making, insights and possible tendencies of current events. 

Duration: 1h15min 

Price: £100
(I also offer a sliding scale for those in genuine need)